Wana, Ngadda, Yakubu.
ISSN 2477-9105
Número 29 Vol.1 (2023)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47187/perf.v1i29.203
Inelasc scaering is a fundamental scaering
process in which the kinec energy of an incident
parcle is not conserved. In contrast to elasc
scaering some of the incident parcle energy
is lost or increased (1). The principle of inelasc
collision in dynamics is quite disnct; inelasc
collision in dynamics refers to processes in
which the total macroscopic kinec energy is
not conserved (2). Scaering due to inelasc
collisions will be inelasc but elasc collisions
oen transfer kinec energy between parcles.
As in Compton, scaering due to elasc collisions
can also be inelasc (3).
The inelasc scaering probability that depends
on the incident electron energy is usually smaller
than the elasc scaering one (4). In regard to gas
electron diracon (GED), reecon high-energy
electron diracon (RHEED), and transmission
electron diracon (5). The incident electron
energy is high, and the contribuon of inelasc
electron scaering can be ignored (6). Deep
inelasc scaering of electrons from protons
provided the rst direct evidence of quark
existence (7).
Raman scaering, also known as inelasc
scaering due to a photon being the incident
parcle (8). The incident photon interacts with
maer and the photon frequency is shied
toward red or blue (9). A red shi can be observed
when part of the photon energy is transferred
to the interacng maer, where it adds to its
internal energy through a process (10). The blue
shi can be observed when the internal energy of
the maer is transferred to the photon. The red
and blue shi processes are known as Stokes and
an-stokes Raman Scaering respecvely (11).
Inelasc scaering is the interacon between
an electron and a photon. A high-energy photon
collides with a free electron and transfers energy
(12). An electron with relavisc energy collides
with an infrared or visible photon, the electron
gives energy to the photon (13).
It is known that neutrons undergo many types
of scaering, including both elasc and inelasc
scaering. Whether elasc or inelasc scaer
occurs depends on the neutron speed; fast,
thermal, or somewhere in between (14). It also
depends on the nucleus it strikes and its neutron
cross-secon (15). The neutron interacts with the
nucleus and the system's kinec energy changes
The cross-secon has a four-momentum transfer
squared funcon carried by the virtual photon
and the Lorentz scalar product (19). For a quark
to carry a fracon x of the nucleon momentum
with when probed with resoluon 1
This can be jused in quantum chromodynamics
since anything can be jused in a theory that has
not been solved (20). The successful predicon
that the same quark distribuons are given
simply by the square averages of relevant quark
changes (21).
An integral which measures the excess of
fermions over anfermions in the nucleon should
be equal to three (22). Finally, the black box
²)) is the Fourier transform of the light cone
correlaon funcon²)) renormalized at ²
that is calculated in terms of α (²).
Is dened for a nucleon at rest, with
X = (2)
in rest frame = 0
X = =(3)
in the inelasc scaering (16). It oen acvates
the nucleus pung it into an excited unstable
short-lived energy state which causes it to quickly
emit some kind of radiaon to bring it back down
to a stable or ground state. Alpha, beta, gamma,
and protons may be emied (17). It is known in
Nuclear Physics that scaered Parcles are a type
of nuclear reacon that can cause the nucleus to
recoil in other direcons (18).