Publication process
Publication Cost
The publication of articles in “Perfiles” journal is exempt from any type of investment.
Arbitration system
The evaluation mechanism works in such a way that the authors do not know the people who act as reviewers (external evaluators), likewise, reviewers do not know the authors. Thus, this is a kind of mechanism defined as a double-blind arbitration system.
Initial Evaluation Criteria
The manuscripts received are submitted to the editorial board in order to develop an initial assessment according to the following criteria:
Receipt order: Articles are incorporated into the validation process in strict order of entry. This principle will be respected unless such a relevant work content justifies immediate admission.
Originality: Scientific productions with a high degree of originality will be prioritized. For a work to be considered original, it should support the expansion of knowledge in fields not covered by previous works.
Extension of its application: High impact publications that is to say with a meaningful international usage and application will prevail over those which content is applicable only in specific or more restricted regions.
Degree of application: Articles, which conclusions allow to solve current problems and/or provide improvements in the life quality will prevail over those that provide more abstract or less productive content for the society.
Methodology: It will be assessed the article be developed by using experimental methodology, which must fulfill the minimum requirements demanded by the scientific community.
Regarding review
The editorial board of “Perfiles” journal highlights the importance of principles such as quality of expression, intellectual property and scientific rigor. These elements are indispensable requirements in a professional activity that evolves and is constantly updated. In order to maintain these quality standards it has been established several stages of intervention and examination of the manuscripts received.
Review process:
Correction Levels
Three levels of editing and/or correcting the contents are considered by “Perfiles” editorial board, which are:
Minimal corrections.- These are small errors that can be solved briefly and easily, thus, the editing process is not interfered significantly.
Content corrections.- They involve making relevant modifications to the text before the manuscript editorial process be continued as long as changes are accepted by the author. The reviewer must justify these modifications by writing a report to the Editorial Committee.
Major corrections.- Once the amount of observations is prominent, there is no possibility of editing and the article is returned to the author. Nevertheless, the author is up to decide whether rewrite or modify the document before resubmitting it.