Socioeconomic Characteristics of Malting Barley Producers in the Chimborazo Region, Ecuador
Multivariate Analysis, Applied Statistics, Hordeum vulgare, Combined MachineryAbstract
Multivariate statistics were used in this study to analyze and interpret a set of variables related to malting barley producers in the "Siembra por contrato" program in the province of Chimborazo during the year 2022. Statistical tools, programming and integration of data were used. codes in R. A survey was carried out that collected information in different areas, including the social, institutional and business, productive, environmental, commercial, technological transfer and economic spheres. To identify patterns and group individuals with similar characteristics, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied. The result of the analysis revealed the formation of 4 groups (clusters) that are explained by 6 components, which represent 82.42% of the total variability. These groups made it possible to identify the socioeconomic sources that influence barley losses. Among these sources are the level of education, occupation, land tenure, type of soil, variety of barley and percentage of weeds. In particular, cluster B, together with producer 14, presented the highest percentage of commercialized yield, being greater than 3,001 kg. On the other hand, producers in clusters A and D had a low yield (1 000 to 3 000 kg), regardless of the variety of barley harvested. In conclusion, the multivariate analysis proved to be a useful tool to understand the socioeconomic characteristics of producers and how they affect barley losses
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