Synthesis and application of the coordination compound: potassium trioxalatoferrate (III)
coordination compound, crystals, iron, chemical reductionAbstract
The study of coordination compounds is a fundamental aspect in the field of inorganic chemistry due to the fascinating nature they have manifested in their particular properties that allow them to have numerous industrial applications. This paper focuses on the synthesis and characterization of potassium trioxalatoferrate (III) for feasible application. The synthesis of the compound was carried out at the laboratory with a set of progressive chemical reactions of oxalic acid, potassium hydroxide and iron chloride (III) for the preparation of a solution from which crystals of the studied compound were obtained due to the process of precipitation in an environment without light. The crystals were separated from the solution through the gravity filtration system for its characterization by infrared spectroscopy and finally its application in the monochromatic photographic technique. The results of the investigation show that photoreduction capacity of the Fe+3 ion contained in the compound studied allows it to have a contribution and to be useful in the photography industry as an element for the preparation of photographic ink.
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