Production of balanced food for pets by processing tannery waste generated in the stages of splitting and fleshing
balanced food, tanning raw material, splitting and fleshing, dogs toysAbstract
The purpose of this project was to design a production process of balanced food for pets by processing waste generated in the stages of splitting and fleshing, in tannery. In order to make this possible, several tests were carried out at the laboratory level, these tests were based on the analysis of three types of drying (electric drying, gas drying and drying to room temperature) thus determining the most suitable method by means of statistics tests, the characterization of the raw material was carried on by methods and techniques compiled in the Ecuadorian Technical Standard NTE INEN-ISO 6498 determining that the tanning residues are suitable for this purpose since they contain the percentage of protein necessary to feed the pets. In addition to this, the tests for the validation of the final product carried out were based on the Ecuadorian Technical Standard NTE INEN 187, which specifies the physical and microbiological parameters that the balanced food needs to meet for its consumption, the collected results were the most appropriate. Finally, the most suitable process includes reception of the raw material, washing, deliming, cutting, molding, blanching, dried by means of an electric tray dryer, packaging, and labelling. The design of this process is profitable for the company since it was possible to recover one of the elements of the solid waste from tanning by giving it an added value, it is recommended to try other drying techniques to improve the quality of the final product, and reduce the production costs.
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