Forest inventory with a bioethical approach for the sustainable protection of resources in the Andil Experimental Farm of Jipijapa


  • Blanca Soledad Indacochea Ganchozo Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Instituto de Posgrado, Programa de Maestría en Manejo Forestal Sostenible, Jipijapa, Ecuador
  • García Rodríguez García Rodríguez Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Instituto de Posgrado, Programa de Maestría en Manejo Forestal Sostenible, Jipijapa, Ecuador



bioethics, forest sciences, protection, species, diversity, ecosystem


The bioethical principles: beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice, have been analyzed in detail in the medical sciences, however, the possibility of contextualization in other sciences has been discovered. The study aims to address actions to protect forest resources in the Andil experimental farm. Precisely, it starts from the existing problem between anthropogenic actions and the effects on natural ecosystems, where large losses of species are caused annually and others are on the verge of extinction. Bioethics as a science of survival is intertwined with nature, however, there are no studies in Ecuador that reveal this relationship. It is proposed as a hypothetical assumption that the apprehension of bioethical principles guarantees the protection of ecosystems. The objective is to analyze the relationship between bioethics and the protection of forest resources of the Andil experimental farm. In the methodology, methods at the theoretical and empirical level were considered, with statistical-mathematical foundations. The main result reveals that, in the study area, south of Manabí, there is a numerical decrease in floristic and faunal species, with emphasis on forest resources, which has caused mortality of other species and migration.


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How to Cite

Indacochea Ganchozo, B. S., & García Rodríguez, R. (2024). Forest inventory with a bioethical approach for the sustainable protection of resources in the Andil Experimental Farm of Jipijapa. Perfiles, 1(31), 61-73.