IBOMAS and Cressman Schemes for Temperaturature Times in Chimborazo Province
Weather data, Climate data, Missing data estimation, Cressman method, Interactive Barnes Objective Map Analysis Scheme, Radius of influenceAbstract
A common problem with weather and climate data is the loss of information due to environmental and technical factors. The objective of this study was to fill in the observed data from the Alaó meteorological station at the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) in 2021. The Cressman and Interactive Barnes Objective Map Analysis Scheme was used to estimate missing data in the time series of the temperature variable, which works as a function of the weight with radii of influence of 10, 30, and 60. An optimum precision of 99% was obtained in the second pass of the interactive Barnes objective map-analysis scheme with the smallest radius. The accuracy of the data estimated by Barnes objective map-analysis depends on the number of pass up to the point of having the closest values or being equal to the observed data, whereas with Cressman, 92% was obtained. The results indicate the dependence of the radius of influence on the Cressman method.
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