Brine, artisanal cheese, microbiological qualityAbstract
The microbiological quality of the brine used in an artisan cheese factory in the rural parish of Quimiag of the province of Chimborazo, was analyzed, considering that salting process is a critical point during the artisan cheese production. The supplies and materials used for the preparation of the brine, the tools, manipulators and the production environment were sampled from its preparation until the day this solution is discarded. The microbial counts of the new and reused salt exceeded the limits of the Ecuadorian standard for human consumption salt, except for E. coli in the new salt, while S. aureus was identified in the water even after heating received prior use. ATP values measured in tools and manipulators were found between 86.5 to 5279.7 URL, and, the microbial count in the environment exceeded that established by the American Public Health As- sociation of the United States. The level of S. aureus in the brine exceeds the limit of the national regulations for fresh cheeses from the day of its elaboration, and for E. coli and aerobic mesophiles it reaches the maximum allowed on day 5, showing a short shelf life, lack of correct practices of hygiene and the use of contaminated raw materials during brining.
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