Photovoltaic potential assessment on rooftops in Quito


  • Mariela Tapia University of Bremen, Resilient Energy Systems Research Group, Bremen, Germany
  • Leonard Ramos University of Oldenburg, Institute of Physics, Energy Meteorology Group, Oldenburg, Germany
  • Detlev Heinemann
  • Edwin Zondervans University of Twente, Laboratory of Process Systems Engineering, Enschede, The Netherlands



Solar resource assessment, rooftop photovoltaic, techno-economic potential, geographic information systems, Ecuador


The objective of this work is to evaluate the technical and economic potential of photovoltaic solar energy on rooftops in urban and rural parishes in Quito, Ecuador. The assessment involves: the estimation of the available rooftop area using geographic information system data, the calculation of PV power generation using a modeling tool in Python, and the evaluation of the economic feasibility in terms of the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) under three financial scenarios. The results indicate that there is a total available rooftop area of 61 km², on which a total capacity of 5403.74 MWp could be installed to generate a total of 7851.51 GWh per year, which could cover 2.3 times the electricity consumption of the city in 2019. However, the economic assessment shows that rooftop PV technology is only cost-competive under the low financial scenario. Therefore, these findings can support local authorities in planning and designing policies and financial strategies to increase the penetration of rooftop PV and thus exploit the large PV potential evaluated in Quito.


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How to Cite

Tapia, M., Ramos, L., Heinemann, D., & Zondervans, E. (2023). Photovoltaic potential assessment on rooftops in Quito. Perfiles, 1(30), 47-56.