composite materials, materials testing, natural fibresAbstract
In recent years, FRCM (fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix) composites produced with fabrics of natural fibres have become potential substitutes for composite systems produced with synthetic or mineral fibres. The efficiency of FRCM composites depends, among other things, on their ability to bond and transmit internal stresses between their components. in this research, a cementitious FRCM system reinforced with sisal fabrics was designed to achieve satisfactory levels of bond and strength. To improve the mechanical properties of the material and obtain a proper method for strengthening reinforced concrete elements, sisal fabrics with particular geometrical characteristics, favourable to penetrability, were designed and manufactured. The mechanical behaviour of the FRCM system developed in this study was verified by performing SLS (Single Lap Shear) and pull-off tests. The results were compared with those obtained by testing frcm composite materials produced with non-designed sisal fabrics.
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