
  • Leonardo Medina Ñuste Faculty of Science, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Marco Bravo Montenegro Faculty of Science, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Alex Gavilanes Montoya Faculty of Science, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo
  • Andrés Beltrán Dávalos Group of Research and Development for the Environment and Climate Change
  • Carlos Medina Serrano Faculty of Science, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo



p-nitrofenol, photocatalytic degradation, activated carbon, titanium dioxide, composite


The environmental responsibility forces us to look for adequate ways to treat contaminated watewater by organic compounds and provide alternatives to the generator industries. Therefore, this work is based on the degradation of p-nitrophenol (PNF) applying tio composites on activated carbon (CA/TiO). The photocatalyst was supported on carbon powder (CA1) and carbon in flakes (CA2) which are called composites in order to recover it. the compounds were characterized with ir spectrum and electronic scanning microscope. the degradation of the pollutant was evaluated with a UV-visible spectrophotometer. A UV light (λ = 365 nm) was used to irradiate the reactor and H2O2 was used as an oxidizing agent throughout the whole process time. Once the different trials have been studied using a completely randomized experimental design, it was observed that the combina tion of CA1 shows a high efficiency (99.1%) of removal of PNF in a concentrated aqueous solution (250mg.l-1) in an average time of 80 minutes. thus, CA2 presents a minor removal (50.46%) in an 80 minutes treatment. It might be concluded that CA1 presents a better complexation and efficiency in the PNF degradation.


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How to Cite

Medina Ñuste, L., Bravo Montenegro, M., Gavilanes Montoya, A., Beltrán Dávalos, A., & Medina Serrano, C. (2018). APPLICATION OF COMPOSITES PHOTOCATALYSTS FOR THE DEGRADATION OF P-NITROFENOL IN WATER. Perfiles, 2(20), 82-89.